Eliminate Unnecessary Stress & Anxiety and Create Inner Peace & Wholeness

With The Peaceful Professional Meditation programme.

Banish Unnecessary Stress, Overwhelm & Burnout.

Create Inner Calm & Stillness in your Life.

Tap into Core States like Inner Peace, Love & Wholeness

Experience more Joy, Happiness & Fulfilment.

Create Unshakable Focus & Concentration.

VASTLY enhance Productivity & Performance.



The Ultimate Meditation Programme for helping you find Inner Peace, Productivity, & Happiness in Work & Life

Make use of meditation & mindfulness practices to prime your mind & body for calm, serenity, wholeness & happiness.

The MOST Effective Way to stop being stressed, anxious & overwhelmed…

…is deceptively simple:

It's having an effective Meditation Practice.

Meditation now has TRUCKLOADS of evidence to support that it:

  • Reduces stress & anxiety.
  • Improves focus & concentration.
  • Creates Inner calm & harmony.
  • Transforms Productivity. 
  • Improves work performance. 
  • Significantly enhances wellbeing and happiness. 

Meditation is NOT just something that hippies or yogis do…
….It’s now ESSENTIAL for successful modern living.
There’s a reason why major companies like: Yahoo, Google, Nike, HBO, and Salesforce all have meditation chambers in their workplace.

Meditation is a Superpower you simply can't ignore!

BUT this raises a problem:

Many people either don’t know how to Meditate properly.
They do it in a way that is MOSTLY ineffective.

The BIG Problem we ALL face in work & life

Let’s face it, modern life is set up in a way that creates the following:

  • Stress & Anxiety.
  • Worry about the future.
  • Unhappiness
  • Lack of Focus & Concentration.
  • Mental fog & Fatigue. 
  • Overwhelm.
  • Potential for Burnout. 

We’re constantly being overstimulated by social media, information overload, Whats app threads, and external demands & pressures.

We also now know that platforms like Facebook & Instagram are designed to DELIBERATELY provoke negative emotions like fear, anger, stress & worry.

It’s no wonder most people struggle to find calm, balance, & focus in their life.

And all of this is often before we even get to our working life!

In fact, let's talk about Work for a sec...

  • Almost EVERY job or career nowadays is stretching people to the limit.
  • You’re being asked to do MORE with LESS.
  • On average, most people work 1795 hours in a year (84365 hours in a lifetime).
  • For many, that time is made up mostly of chaos & fire-fighting.
  • As a result, their mental wellbeing, productivity, focus, and happiness gets SEVERELY depleted.

For some reason, we've fallen into the trap of thinking that we have to trade our sanity for success

We've been pulled into the chaotic whirlwind of modern life & it's SEVERELY affecting our Wellbeing, Happiness, & Productivity

SO, because of this...

  • We have to have a way to offset this Chaos
  • We have to become the calm within the storm
  • We have to be able to declutter your mind
  • We have to be able to create calm and inner peace irrespective of external demands and pressures.
  • If we don’t then we’ll become consumed by the whirlwind of modern life.  

Basically…They’ve traded their work for their sanity.

Consider this for a Moment...

What if you could learn an EASY-TO-APPLY modern-day Meditation Practice that allowed you to do the following:

  • Banish Unnecessary Stress
  • Eliminate Overwhelm & Burnout
  • Create Stillness in & Immense Calm in your life
  • Experience Wholeness & a greater sense of Inner Peace 
  • Motivate yourself to achieve goals without using fear or adrenalin. 
  • Boost Happiness & Fulfilment
  • Create a natural balance between work and life
  • Create Effortless Focus & Productivity
  • Elevate your Performance in work &life
  • Improve Sleep
  • Enhance Relationships (the natural way) 

Well, hold that thought….Because The Peaceful Practice Method will help you do just that.


Learn The Peaceful Practice Method so that you can eliminate unnecessary stress & anxiety and find Inner Peace, Productivity, & Happiness in Work & Life

The Peaceful Practice Meditation Programme (Pre-recorded Online training) 

The 10-Day Meditation Challenge – so you can put all the theory into practice

Advanced Meditation Training – How to Tap into Core States of Connection & Wholeness

A 1-2-1 Coaching Session (with Steven Burns) – to help you implement the ideas on the training

Bonus Trainings: Everyday Meditations Training, The Peaceful Productivity Course, The Happiness Habit Workshop AND The 'Time to Forgive' Training


 "The Clean Motivation Meditation really made me look at my current work situation and my future work aspirations. It has shown me not to get caught up in the petty every day annoyances and focus on why I'm actually doing what I'm currently doing in work life and also what I want out of my future business plans. Highly recommended!"

Chris McLean
NEWRA Environment and Resource Solutions Ltd

 "I'm absolutely LOVING this course as I drip into the pockets of my crazy brain & life. So a huge thank you!"

Marie M Clark
Personal Trainer & Coach

What’s included in The Peaceful Professional?


Meditation & Creating Stillness

Create inner calm &serenity

Stillness is Key…

Creating Stillness and inner calm is fundamental to our wellbeing, productivity, performance, and sanity! History’s greatest figures from like Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, John F Kennedy, Marina Abramovic, and Napoleon, all believed stillness was the key to self-mastery, discipline, and focus… 

You’ll learn…

A Modern-day Method for Meditating for stillness.

How to build a strong Psychological Foundation

How to create deep physical and mental relaxation.

How to become the calm within the storm of work and life

How to dissolve stress & anxiety through stillness

How to Become resilient in the face of adversity through stillness


Building A Strong Base through Gratitude

Boost happiness & fulfilment & become resilient

Create a rock-solid foundation

Gratitude is NOT just for new-age hippies or yogis. It’s essential for everyone!  

Gratitude helps reverse ‘The Negative Bias’ – the idea that we highlight negative events more than positive ones – and creates a positive base to live life from. 

You’ll Learn…

Why Gratitude is essential in work and in life

How to combine Stillness & Gratitude to amplify your results

How to practice gratitude without becoming a hippy

A Powerful Meditation designed specifically for Gratitude

The Science of Gratitude

How to Reverse Cynicism & negativity.


The Clean Motivation Method

Motivate yourself positively without Fear & Adrenalin

Most people motivate themselves using fear & adrenalin. This so okay in the short term but has BIG long-term negative consequences & can lead to Burnout.

Discover a new & cleaner way to motivate yourself that is sustainable, positive & enjoyable.

You’ll Learn…

How to get work done without the risk of burnout.

A cleaner method for motivating yourself to take action

How to remain consistent without stress and excessive pressure

A more effortless way to accomplish your goals in work &life

How to tap into more energy than you EVER thought you had


Effortless Performance

Prime your mind & Body for optimum results

Meditation is NOT just used to create calm and inner peace. It’s can also be used to prime your mind & body for significantly better performance.

Imagine being able to up your game in a way that’s effortless & enjoyable…

You’ll Learn…

How to raise your performance levels through meditation.

How to Raise your Game in work & in life.

How to combine Meditation & Mental Rehearsal for max effect.

How to combine NLP & meditation to elevate performances & results.

How to create effortless performance without stress and anxiety.

PLUS, when you enrol, you’ll get 


Every one of these bonuses is high quality and add a tonne to the programme. There's no filler here!


10-Day Meditation Challenge

FULLY Integrate the Benefits with the Life-Changing Meditation Challenge

Worth: $97


1-2-1 Coaching Session (1 Hour) 

A FULL hour coaching session with Steven to help you remove blocks that prevent you from meditating and to help implement the learnings

Worth: $250


Advanced Meditation Training

Learn how to use meditation to connect with Core States of being (Connection & Wholeness)

Worth: $147


Peaceful Productivity Training

Learn how to properly manage your time so that you can focus on the things that REALLY matter to you

Worth: $97


Time to Forgive (NLP for Forgiveness)

Learn how to let go of any hurt, anger, and resentment you may be holding on to using a powerful NLP process

Worth: $97


Everyday Meditations Training

Learn to use meditation 'on the go' with these quick, active mini-meditations

Worth: $97


The Happiness Habit Workshop

Happiness IS something that can influence. Learn how to authentic, long lasting happiness in this training

Worth: $97

Okay, let’s recap!

When you enrol on the Peaceful Professional Training, you’ll get everything you need to transform your work & life using meditation

Lifetime Access to The 4 Peaceful Professional Trainings = $497

1-2-1 Coaching Session with Steven = $250

10 Day Meditation Challenge = $97

Advanced Meditation & Everyday Meditation Online Trainings = $244

The Peaceful Productivity Online course PLUS The Happiness Habit Workshop & Time to Forgive = $291

Total Value = $1397

BUT you can Enrol on The Peaceful Professional Meditation Programme for:



More Testimonials!

 "I've just done the Stillness meditation. Feeling all blissed out! " 

Fiona Leishman
UnLeish your Mind

 "This course has not only taught me how to access more space for thinking throughout my workday and at home, but provided me with easy access to calmness and space whenever I need it. I no longer work to a deadline; I now feel back in control. This course has given me all the tools I need.

I would highly recommend it to anyone who navigating a busy life wants to find a better, healthier and happier way.

Nicole Mulvey
Divisional L&D Manager

Just in Case I missed Anything...

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Sure thing! We have a 30-day money back guarantee. If you enrol and change your mind within 30 days, drop us an email at info@mindschool.net and we'll issue a refund, no questions asked.

No! The Peaceful Professional has an emphasis on those who work BUT if you don't work - or you're not that career/work oriented – then you'll most likely still be a great fit. Everything on the training can be applied to all aspects of your life and the benefits of meditation will have a ripple effect into both your personal & professional lives.

Yes! Once you enrol, you'll get access forever. If - for any reason - there is an issue with the learning platform, I'll make sure that you can donwload the programme so you still have it to use.

Unfortunately, due to piracy, you won't be able to download the videos. However, you will have lifetime access and all you need to do is log in to access the training. The exception to this is if there are any issues with the platform and the course is no longer accessible through it. If that happens (highly unlikely), I'll make sure that you can download the full programme so that you have it forever.

Enrol on The Peaceful Professional Meditation Programme for:

